My Surgery
In the middle of the pitch black, freezing night, I suddenly woke up. To my surprise the right side of my belly was hurting and since it didn’t normally hurt, I told my mum. She said to go to the toilet... so I did but after I was done, the pain didn’t stop. I was simply curious but my mum felt worried.
The next day, my mum took me to the GP while my dad was at work and my sister was at daycare. When we reached the GP, she told me to lie down on a mat. As she checked me, I kept wailing….the pain felt like a bullet had gone through my stomach. The GP said it might be an appendicitis and to take me straight to Starship hospital. My mum called my dad and he also came. In the reception I had to wait and wait and wait until the receptionist called me in, “Finally, I’m in the hospital ward” I groaned . After a while, the nurse came and did a finger prick but it didn’t hurt. But soon after something did…..
Then another nurse came and took me to a room, she injected a needle in my hand that hurt a lot but I stayed strong and didn’t drop a tear. Next she extracted some blood from my body and took it somewhere. Two days later, without eating or drinking anything, the head surgeon and the two other surgeons came to my room to do a check up. They said it was an appendicitis and that I would go straight to surgery.
“It’s time for the surgery” the nurse spoke. My mum, dad and my sister were worried so I said to them, “As long as I don't feel it I will be fine.” I had to lie down on a trolley and they rolled me to the surgery room then they gave me general anesthesia ( liquid that puts you to sleep ).
After the surgery I was so relieved but I was so hungry. I ate Subway toasties like a pig scoffing vegetable scraps. No one knew how it happened or why so I went home with more questions than answers. Being in tremendous pain was an awful experience and I hope my body isn't in that much pain again.