Sunday, March 17, 2019

My Wild Self

  I was exploring an eerie cave, when out of the corner of my eye I saw an abnormal, foreign creature feasting on its prey.   It looked something like this… On the top of its head it had bison horns protruding out just over its SPEAR NOSED BAT EARS.  These ears helped it to hear extremely well. His eyes were more miniscule than a chameleon’s eyes.  It had a snake tongue which was used to collect chemicals in the air to evoke different electrical signals which are relayed to the brain.

He had condor wings sticking out from his back which has an unbelievable wingspan of 10 feet!  The most spine-chilling, blood-curdling part of this creature was the crab arms, they were about thirteen feet long and he used them to grab onto his prey.  He would then suffocate it with his rattlesnake tail.

All of a sudden, he started slithering like a worm.  Then it crawled up into a ball and somehow made a roaring noise like a Mclaren 570S' s exhaust pipe.   Its Condor wings flapped wildy, I was so surprised by its undomesticated behaviour. Though his behaviour seemed rough, he soon began to act very friendly and childlike.   

“Finally it has calmed down,”  I mumbled to myself.  However, I spoke too soon...  the being elevated its crab arms and brandished its arms like a psycho, then it slithered into the depths of the cave.
I wonder if there's more of his kind?  Will he ever come back? I  was left with several questions and thoughts whirling through my brain.