Tuesday, August 27, 2019

growth cycle of a human

Humans, like all living things, go through a growth process throughout their lifespan.  This process begins as an embryo in a mother’s womb and ends when the person is elderly. 

Firstly, a human is formed in the mother’s uterus.  Over nine months, the baby grows bigger and stronger until it is ready to come out into the world.  When it is born, it is still very little in comparison to older babies who have been living for a few months.  The newborn is very needy, delicate and helpless. It relies a lot on its parents for its everyday needs. Over the next year, the baby grows taller and heavier.  It can start to do things for itself such as: hold its head up, sit up, roll, crawl, make a range of noises and begins to eat pureed or mashed foods.  

Toddler 1- 3   
The next step of a human’s growth cycle is a toddler.  The toddler stage occurs between the ages of one and three.  Toddlers are a lot more active and vocal than babies. They begin to walk then run and they don’t sleep as much during the day when compared to babies.  They eat a larger variety of foods and may even eat the exact same foods as the rest of their family. All of their first set of teeth grow through the gums in these years.  Toddlers can become very determined, assertive and independent, which can lead to tantrums when they don’t get their way or they become frustrated. Parents need a lot of patience and must develop their negotiation and reasoning skills during these years.  Toddlers begin speaking in full sentences and can communicate reasonably well.
Child- 4- 12

When the toddler turns into a child it develops more skills like talking in sentences, walking properly and changing its clothes on its own. They will start going to school. When they start school they will learn basic subjects like mathematics,  reading, writing and science

Teenager- 13-19
 After they finish school they will start to go to college. The teens can choose lots of paths they can pick for their careers like a doctor, a builder and lots more. When they’re sixteen they will start driving and working.  When they work they will earn money so they can pay their fees for college and university. Soon they will earn their degree or diploma which will lead to their future job.

Adult- 18-65

Now humans enter the stage of adulthood.  They will get a job ( if they are lucky), most of them will get married, have kids and earn a living. They will grow more mature and sensible.  Now they will understand what to do and have a good idea of how life works. They will manage their kids while also doing work. WHEn the have enough money they can afford a car so it will be easier to get to places. The new parents will tell bedtime stories and put the kids to sleep.

 When people are elderly they start to weaken and their bones get delicate. Soon they will start hunching and using a walking stick.  They have a lot of life experience and they are wise and can, therefore, pass their wisdom onto their children and grandchildren. At a certain age, they will start dying and after they die they will get buried or burnt.


The process of human development goes through many stages.  People start off as a tiny baby and eventually grow into a wise, old person.

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