Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Prediction for "the force"


Mum, Dad, Max and Harper went on a picnic close to a wooden bridge. Then Max heard a splash, someone had done a human cannonball. Harper scared Max and the other children on the other side and the pushy kid also got scared. Harper had to be excused to go toilet. Then he saw  Yoda washing his hands in the toilet, and a huge discussion occurred between Harper and Yoda. Then Yoda said, “You will have the force after I die so be prepared to be the next Jedi.” Harper jumped with glee and couldn't wait to tell the great news. 

8 +½ out of 10

We got almost everything correct like the human cannonball, Yoda talking to harper the only things we got incorrect were Yoda dying and harper being the Jedi Max and Harper except being the future Jedi and Yoda dying. The other wrong part was where harper scared the kids on the bridge.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My speech

Why maths is the most important subject 

Angles, length, shapes, area, weight, total, survey, data. What do all these words have in common you may ask? Well… throughout the year you may hear these words being mentioned in maths. Hi, I'm Arhan and I believe maths is the most important subject in school and I'm here to tell you why so be prepared to be amazed by the wonders of math.

Firstly, maths helps you develop better problem-solving skills and helps you think analytically. You develop a generic ability to solve life problems. When you use problem-solving skills it helps people understand deeper concepts. Did you know teachers use problem-solving skills for more effective activities? For example 236 - x = 104  x equals what? If you know the answer you have good problem-solving skills. Thinking analytically is very important because you think critically it also helps you solve complex problems. When you think analytically you apply logical thinking. 

Secondly, Math helps you complete tasks in everyday life, for example, it helps you tell the time, count money, shopping, DIY projects etc. Let's say that you went to the store to buy groceries and you don't know how much each fruit/vegetable weighs BUT with math you can tell because it shows you the numbers of the weight so that you know how much the fruit/veg weighs.

Think about it every job requires math, with math you can do a variety of jobs, like a math tutor- someone who teaches math, accountant- they are in charge of the payroll, tax returns  and a company's financial rules and regulations, cryptographer they break codes to keep data safe from hackers and a statistician they analyze and gather data. Did you know Issac Newton ( founder of gravity ) used powerful methods of mathematics for discoveries isn't that cool! Math also helped people go to the moon, design haircuts and make sense in medical scans. 

To top it off I hope I have convinced you that math helps people develop problem-solving skills and think analytically, help people in everyday tasks and will help you get a job so remember “without math, there's nothing you can do.”                                 

My brain 
Mrs Perkins 

speech judging sheet

Speech Judging Sheet 
Name: Arhan Joshi             
Topic:  Maths is the most important subject                        
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organised logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.

I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.
My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.

I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long.


Next time I need to … 
use more eye contact and hand gestures

Teacher Comment 
Well done Arhan!  You used good volume and pace when delivering your speech.  Next step: Add more ideas, examples, statistics and research to meet the time allocation - your speech was a bit too short.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Matariki acrostic poem

Mother of the seven sisters 
Always remember Matariki
Together but not forever
Away from each other
Ranginui the sky father was sad  
In the sky comes the seven stars
Kids and their family celebrate together 

Interesting stars of the eastern sky

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Key Competencies 
(the capabilities required for living and lifelong learning)

Halsey Drive School
                     A = Almost Always
                                                                S = Sometimes
                                                           N = Not yet
1st half of the year
2nd half of the year
Managing Self

I am organised for the day

I am willing to try new things

I complete work to the best of my ability and show initiative

I begin work straight away, stay on task and work independently

I can set realistic goals and explain how to achieve them

I make sensible behaviour choices

I happily take part in all school activities

Relating to Others

I cooperate well with others when working

I treat others with respect

I am a good friend and role model - especially at break times

I show good manners and cooperate with others

Participating and Contributing

I share my ideas and opinions with others

I listen well to other people’s opinions

I take part in activities outside of the classroom


I ask relevant questions to deepen my knowledge 

I reflect on my own learning and say what I need to learn next

Language Symbols and Texts

I use a range of IT to share my learning