Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Explanation: The atmosphere


Earth. It is made up of the spheres we call the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Each sphere has it's own important role, making the earth a habitable place. In this explanation, I am going to talk about the atmosphere.  The atmosphere is a blanket of gas which surrounds the earth, without the atmosphere, the biosphere wouldn’t be able to live. The atmosphere keeps the temperature on earth moderate. The atmosphere is important.

What are the layers of the Atmosphere? 

The layers of the atmosphere are the Troposphere, Stratosphere,  Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Ionosphere and Exosphere.

First the troposphere, the troposphere is the lowest layer of the earth’s atmosphere, it contains 99% of earth’ water vapour. The word Tropo means “ turn, toward, change” reflecting that water and air moving in a circle plays an important role in the troposphere’s behaviour, and sphere meaning the earth.

Secondly the Stratosphere, it is the second layer in the atmosphere after the troposphere. The stratosphere absorbs the UV rays because the Ozone layer is in the stratosphere. The winds in the Stratosphere can far exceed the winds in the troposphere reaching nearly 220km per hour.

Halfway through is the mesosphere, the word mesos means middle making it the middle sphere. The mesosphere is the coldest layer with temperatures up to -143°C  also this is the layer which meteors start to burn up.

Coming close to the end is the Thermosphere. Applying the fact that it has Thermo in its name it is the hottest layer Temperatures ascending up to 1’700°C or more. This layer is also where UV radiation causes photoionization. Some people think that the thermosphere is apart of space because the air density is so low. Even though the ozone layer protects us from the sun, the oxygen and the nitrogen are bombarded by radiation and energetic particles from the sun, causing molecules to split into atoms creating heat.

Last but not least combining the two layers is the Ionosphere and the Exosphere. Firstly the ionosphere wouldn’t exist if it were not for the sun’s UV rays. The ionosphere is a shell of electrons and electrically charged atoms and molecules that surround the earth. The purpose of the Ionosphere is that it influences radio propagation to distant places on earth. Finally the exosphere, it’s basically outer space, no one can survive in the exosphere unless you have an air canister from the troposphere. This is the layer where satellites orbit the earth and take cool pictures!

In conclusion, the atmosphere is a bunch of layers surrounding earth so you can live and breath. Without it, the biosphere wouldn’t be able to live and I wouldn’t be writing this explanation to inform you about it. 


Water vapour: water in a gaseous state 

Ascending: increasing in size 

Radiation: Energy that moves from one place to another 

Photoionization: when electrons come out from an atom, ion or molecule by the absorption of photons.

Photons: a particle of light 

Oxygen: a colourless gas

Nitrogen: Same thing 

Electrons: tiny particales

Atoms: The smallest amount of substance which can take part in a chemical reaction

Propagation is any of the ways which a wave ( transport of energy) moves.


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